~~~~Cody, some people have more money to play with. If audio person "A" makes $30k a year, they will be more concerned than Audio person "B", who makes $300k a year. To someone who makes $6k a week, a loss on a new component isn't as big a deal as Audio person "A" would think it was. Not to say people like to take a loss, it doesn't make them lose any sleep.
~~~~Moving on to the new and improved model is thrill, like a gift wrapped present. If one gets their enjoyment by trying out new gear, so be it. We all spend some money on unprofitable items. It just hurts some of us more than others.
~~~~Just The Facts,
~~~~Moving on to the new and improved model is thrill, like a gift wrapped present. If one gets their enjoyment by trying out new gear, so be it. We all spend some money on unprofitable items. It just hurts some of us more than others.
~~~~Just The Facts,