CD vs. SACD vs. DVD-Audio vs Vinyl vs...

Which format do you like the most, or find to be the closest to the original master tapes? Or, if you attend live concerts (or play and instrument), which format do you prefer and why?
Thanks VERY MUCH for the support, Eldragon and Drumsgreg! You guys are very nice people, and astute audiophiles! Mikeam, please GET OVER this vendetta. I'm not out to try to keep people from posting on here (that WOULD be bad). Mike, I'll be more than happy to refrain from replying to any of your posts (positive or negative), if it will help you better express your thoughts on here. I'M ALL FOR A HIGH MINDED DISCUSSION OF ANY TOPIC RELATED TO AUDIO, so by all means, put something good on here. We'll all be better off for it. BMP-Martin: Sorry for letting you have it, but I honestly didn't feel any more rude than you seemed to be, and I was trying to inject humour (as usual). I don't see how you could take anything personally, BUT IF YOU DID, I sincerely apologize. SEEMS TO BE A RECURRING THEME FOR ME.........HOW'S THIS? I think a good topic for discussion would be for us to critique and discuss a magazine review we have read recently. If others have read it, it would be interesting to share our opinions on it. I think John Atkinson has had many interesting thoughts at the front of Stereophile recently. A discussion of Michael Fremer's reviews could get really interesting. Jonathan Scull is a tad pretentious, and seems to be wrong a lot, BUT HE USUALLY REVIEWS THE BEST EQUIPMENT. ANYWAY, JUST A SUGGESTION...I realize we all have less time to read reviews than we used to, perhaps...
In the interest of moving on, I will say that when Carl sticks to the subject he is interesting and well informed, even if he is outspoken. But, big boys don't have to resort to insults to make their point. This only serves to undermine the spirit of this site and then the only thing thing pumped into the discussion is venom. I would welcome his input again if he can return to the subjects and refrain from unnecessary hostility.
What do vinyl lovers do when they only like about half of the music on an LP? Do they suffer through the bad stuff or continually jump up and down to drop the stylus crashing into a new groove?-- yes, I'm serious. Any takers? I get a tremendous amount of pleasure from listening to my CD collection, and in fact just added a mere $600. CD Recorder. I can't believe the quality of CDs I've been making-- it's excellent. In fact, the recorded CDs actually seem crisper and more dynamic than the originals. I don't understand this except to say that the CD-R blanks are an extremely clean and transparent green color.
Garfish, The crispness that you are noticing is probably a slight loss of bass in the transfer therefore the mids and treble are more noticable. I experience the same sort of thing when going from CD to Minidisk. Yes the quality is impressive. I had a recording studio for 10 years and it is amazing how inexpensive a decent recording is today when compared to ten years ago.
This in response to garfish and his interest in what vinyl junkies do when they only like half the music on an L.P. My experiance is since I have gone from vinyl even the weaker songs are more enjoyable.I feel with C.D. the weaker songs are much harder to enjoy than on vinyl.If it sounds awesome to begin with it makes weaker songs more interesting.But if te song is plain garbage yep gotta get up,but as I've said before "to get the best requires more work" Also,my stylus does not crash into the groove.It is a very smooth and quiet landing as a great analog front end allows.If any of the anti-vinyl guys had true experiance with vinyl these discussions wouldnt happen.