Which cable will reduce harshness of CD player?

Have been experimenting with different copper and silver cables. My rig is all solid state and I find the CD source to be a little bright. Don't want to upgrade or downgrade or trade so I'm going to flavorize it with some IC's and SPKR cables. I tried the MF Nuvista Silver IC's and were too bright, but very pure, currently switching between Custom House and XLO. Going to try Cardas Quadlink next week. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all the help guys :)
I am getting my Quadlinks in the post this week. I am currently using AQ Hyperlitz 2 for spkr cables and Custom House Barracuda for IC's on the MF A3 CD Player. From most of the reviews I have heard, the A3 CD player isn't bright, so I'm guessing it's mostly cabling. I'm going to take all you considerations into account and stick with the Cardas Quadlink 5C to start and like BWhite said, the AC cord. My uncle is going to lend me his Cardas Golden Cross AC cord to try out. Will keep you posted.

ps. If the cabling doesn't make me happy I'm going to try and find a warmer/analog-like cd player like Chelillingworth said.
Hi Buckingham - the Cardas Golden PC will most certainly warm things up for you. I never found it to be the ultimate PC for source components since it actually seems to perform better on amps, but at least this will make you a believer about the benefits of aftermarket power cords.

Digital front ends have a way of tossing a large amount of "hash" back into the sound pool. The hash is often perceived as brightness.

You can drive yourself insane by changing interconnects to remove this but the only real way to solve the problem is with a good power cord. Lower resolution ICs will remove or choke the brightness but can also place constraints on the precious signal which audiophiles work so hard to preserve - therefore I must recommend a decent power cord for your source. This will remove the nasties and help you make better IC decisions in the future. Once you feel you've found the right power cord, then you will want to look at your ICs.

Another source of brightness could be your room.
ase z-man will do the same thing as a musical fidelity x-10. this was the only way i could tolerate cd... until i got a tubed preamp! ;~)

killer cd upgrade, for less than the cost of the i/c's you're considering, is the art di/o adc/dac. check the threads here & on the aydio asylum.

doug s.

Hi Guys! I'm currently listening to my test CD (Rush Soundtrack) and I am TOTALLY blown away by the intoxifying nature of the sound. Yes, you guessed right, I changed the AC cord to Cardas Golden Cross. It's like I'm listening to a totally different system. Barry, you are the man! And by the way, I like your website :) I also added another Golden Cross AC cord to the A3 integrated and WOW.. More Golden freshness.... Gotta go, I'm going to try them on the Magnum Etude Tuner and see how it works out.