The best CD player with volume control

I own an ARC LS5III and have for the last three years. I had always planned to include more than just a cd player into my system. It hasn't happened. I am considering on selling the ARC and running direct. I have made to many mistakes in the past. I can spare about $5,000. Can it be done?
I've always said that, and agree with you. Analog does not sound "warm" at all, and whenever somebody has said that to me, I know they don't know what they're talking about. I too am at peace, and I enjoy both CD and vinyl very much, and wonder why others can't do both. It's the only way...and it's not as if nearly ALL the top reviewers don't feel likewise, either.
I have not heard several of the players under disucssion here, but to share my own experience: I evaluated the Wadias, both the 850 and 860, at home. I liked them a lot but didn't feel moved to spend what they cost. The salesman, so confident that the Wadias were the cat's meow, told me to go to another dealer and try the Levinson No. 39, just to satisfy myself. "You won't like it," he said, "but you should try it." I did, and to my tastes, it was clearly preferable. Whereas the Wadias were doing everything technically well, somehow the wholde did not equal the sum of the parts (plus I hated their remote). The Levinson seemed to me unfailingly musical. I loved it, I bought it right away, no reservations, still happy 2+ years later. I'd love to hear the Resolution Audio and the BIDAT. But the moral of my story is that our preferences are very personal and it makes sense to listen to as much stuff as you can, regardless of who says what blows what away.--Dan
Drubin, "makes sense to listen to as much stuff as you can"...that's exactly right!
as a wadia 850 owner, i suggest (after listening to as much as you can and re-reading john's posting): either waiting to purchase wadia's 851 new or searching for an 860x or 850 here. by the way john--i too am no where near motivated to go sacd. at least, not until wadia does.
Jrud, Perhaps I could shed some light on this dilema for you. As I write this I am about ten hours into my first impressions of a CD50 I bought on this site. I sold my Wadia 21 and had anticipated landing a 16 that was available here in Atlanta locally but that fell through. ( I was inteested in getting digital inputs) I had been pleased with 21 and preferred it to a ML39 I owned previously. I have been however in the "something is not quite right" state of mind for some time prior to this move. I have to be honest and state that the only reason I gave the CD50 a try is beacuse of the passioate writings of carl_eber at this forum. I enjoy his comments. I will keep it short and sweet. This is the best I have heard digital sound at anytime in my life. I will spare you all the details because I don't even know how to tell you how good this player is,but will end by saying this has to be the most undervalued audio component of all time(did he really say that?!) and you would be a fool not to give it a listen before trying a more expensive digital source. I can't comment on the BiDat. I haven't even ditched the stock cord yet.