I think that you are barking up the wrong tree!
You need an interconnect for a subwoofer? The sub will be responding to deep bass from 20Hz-120Hz at the max. Probably you have it x-over lower than 120Hz. What, in the world, are you doing deciding among: Kimber Kable Silver Steak; Silver Audio Silver Bullet 4.0; Pure Silver Sound Quartet; and Home Grown Audio Silver Lace??
You are using less than 1% of the audio spectrum! The cables you are considering are full-range cables whose properties you will not even begin to use!
Both Psychicanimal & Sean give good advice. Get Canare, Acoustic Research or Monster Cable. These cables will get the signal to your sub w/ minimal loss.
Pay a lot of attention to providing clean AC power to your sub, placement of your sub for best integration & isolation of the sub from the floor.