Which Audio Interconnect would you recommend?

I am deciding between four audio interconnects. They are Kimber Kable Silver Steak; Silver Audio Silver Bullet 4.0; Pure Silver Sound Quartet; and Home Grown Audio Silver Lace.

I also need a good 3 metre pair of interconnects for my subwoofer.

My system: B&W 703 speakers; Rotel Rmb-1075 amp; Rotel Rsp-1068 processor, and Sunfire True Sub Jr.

Given my system, please give the benefit of your wisdom/experience.

I don't know about the other two, but i wouldn't recommend the Kimber or Homegrown Audio for your specific system. In fact, i would probably avoid most silver cables all-together for your system. That's just me though. Sean

I think that you are barking up the wrong tree!
You need an interconnect for a subwoofer? The sub will be responding to deep bass from 20Hz-120Hz at the max. Probably you have it x-over lower than 120Hz. What, in the world, are you doing deciding among: Kimber Kable Silver Steak; Silver Audio Silver Bullet 4.0; Pure Silver Sound Quartet; and Home Grown Audio Silver Lace??
You are using less than 1% of the audio spectrum! The cables you are considering are full-range cables whose properties you will not even begin to use!
Both Psychicanimal & Sean give good advice. Get Canare, Acoustic Research or Monster Cable. These cables will get the signal to your sub w/ minimal loss.
Pay a lot of attention to providing clean AC power to your sub, placement of your sub for best integration & isolation of the sub from the floor.
To Psychicanimal and Sean, please say more about staying away from silver. And Sean, do you have any specific recommendations for my particular system? Thanks!
With silver, your system better be tight and dialed in. Your vibration control, acoustics, power filtration must be right on. If solid state components are used, they must be non grainy, non fatiguing. I use silver ICs (Ridge Street Audio MSE) and silver plated copper speaker wire (Mil spec)in my 100% solid state system but everything is tuned & dialed in. I blew my main class A amp (Forté 4a) and am using my sub amps to drive my mini-monitors. Them Kenwood monoblocks are sounding fatiguing. The system is revealling the amp's weaknesses. It boils down to that...

I will chime in with a bit of information. I purchased a HIGHLY regarded company's interconnects and speaker cables (all silver) and they just did not sound well. I called The Cable Company and spoke with them about the situation and they mentioned that my speakers (Meadowlark almost *always* sound better with a good copper or hybrid cable). I mentioned how odd that seemed, and they replied that certain companies with dynamic drivers that are a bit "slow" (I think that was the term used) almost *always* sound better with a copper or hybrid cable.

Why I am writing here is that they mentioned the B&W line as well as my Meadowlarks that typically perform much better without silver...

I have no personal experience, but thought I would pass it along, as there isn't much more frustrating to me personally than spending tons of money, hoping the sonics will improve, and having poor sound... to find out after the fact is was not a "recommended" selection to try in the first place. I don't know if their advice is correct in your situation or not, but they were spot on with mine.

Best of luck.