CD Player

I am looking to replace my Meridian 207 transport + D/A. My system consists of Sunfire Cinema Grand processor and power amp, Merlin VSM speakers (with BAM), Cardas Neutral cables and a basic Monster surge protector. Looking to spend about $1,500 - $2,000 on a good quality used unit. What would you recommend?
I've seen the Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 selling for just under your $1500 minimum, and it was Stereophile Class A in its time. I have one and find it very musical, and have had Sonic Frontiers separates and a Parasound 2000 Ultra too. The SFCD-1 is the best I've had, and you won't get a Wadia 830 for $2000, which is the next step I hope I'll be taking.
I would get Linn Karik-Numerik combo, also "class A"(stereophile) and as good as any digital-end even at today standards.
My recollection is that the 200 series transports are pretty good, with a lively and rhythmical presentation (many say - better than the 500 transport, which is dynamically dead). But unfortunately Meridian DACs are not good - I have owned the 200 series one and a 566-20, and I most certainly do not recommend them. So, in your position I would trial a DAC that was upgradable to DVD-Audio, and which preferably could upsample too, and keep the Meridian transport. The amount you save by doing this will probably compensate for the fact that the Meridian DAC will be almost worthless on its own. This leaves you the option of buying a "new standard" transport later.