Acoustic Zen speaker Cables ..In general

Do they work better with tube or solid state?
Would you consider them warm, bright or neutral?

Bluenose described it very well. I am using Hologram Bi-Wired for speaker cables and I found it to work very well tube amps. It is very natural sounding in my system, doesnt sound restricted like some of the cables that i've tried in the past. Music is evenly distributed through out the whole spectrum and the soundstage and imaging is very good and exaggerated. It wont be the best cables out there but you will probably spend a lot more money to get better results. The AZ cables are the best bang for the bucks, IMHO.
I'm using the Satori shotgun bi-wire and would classify them as decidedly neutral, but they seem to pass more of the musical signal than other cables I've heard--that's the best way I can describe it. If you're looking to use speaker cables to tune your system look elsewhere. They are a very low capacitance design and will work well with virtually any type of electronics. Obviously you'll have to try them in your system to see how they work for you, but I'd consider them one of the best bargains in cables and you should definitely try'em. Also, unless you've got 3-way speakers or more I'd suggest using a single run with jumpers--it'll work better and save you some cash. Best of luck.

Neutral with a touch on the warm side for the satori's. You really have to spend big bucks (spm) to better it. The above posts are right on the money in their descriptions.

Anyone out there compare the hologram to the satori ?
Acoustic Zen have very nice tonally balance

very revealing image wise - layering and body to music

they get acoustic instruments right

I've owned Harmonic Technology and AZ is a step further in revealing and unveiling the music

the sound is less grainy and has an air and resiliancy that sound right

Yes I own both the Hologram and the Satori, and the Hologram is simply better, by a wide margin. I still think the Satori is a great cable, but if you are willing to spend the extra definately go for Hologram.

Do you really think that Nordost SPM is better? I did extensive comparisons between SPM and Satori, and I think Satori is more natural and more realistic in virtually ever regard than SPM. To my ear SPM and Quattro Fil have a very dry sterile sound.

I did quite a bit of cable comparing in my system a few months ago. I even compared AZ to the expensive lines by Nordost, NBS, Siltech, and Silversmith. I thought the AZ cables are the best balanced and most musical in my system.