Transparent Audio IC's and Speaker Cable

I'm using Transparent Audio Supers for the IC, and Transparent MusicWave w/ Transparent Jumpers for the speakers. I'm debating whether to upgrade to the Ultra IC, or MusicWave Plus speaker cables. I'm looking to get a bigger soundstage, and better seperation of instruments. I do plan on auditioning both, but I was wondering what others experiences are.

Rest of my system:

Cambridge Audio D500
Audio Refinement Complete
Monitor Audio Silver 5i
NHT Subtwo
stock power cords (I'll be making my own PCs soon)
Home made isolation system based off of symposium's stuff (it actually works very well, big improvements in soundstage, detail retrieval, and noise floor)

Transparent Ultra IC's have a pushed-up midrange, a bloated bass, and rolled-off highs that lack detail and are not clean. This was the result discovered in a comparison with Audioquest Python, which is $500 a meter. I think Transparent is extremely overpriced, over rated, and they can keep their idiotic networks.
Poor Airman, I agree with you I also enjoy the transparent sound, at least at the musicwave level and above.I started with DH-Labs Air matrix I/Cs and Q-10 speaker cable. Demoed the Transparent I/C and was blown away! No comparison at least in my system. Then I found a the speaker cable used on-line and WOW,what a differance. I am using Music link plus I/C between a MF A3CD and a MF A300 int amp.with music wave plus bi-wire speaker cable to BW N805s. What I hear is a tight clean bass, smooth not harsh high end,an awsome sound stage, and plenty of detail. Transparent products are pricey but IMHO, well worth the cost. Fr
I love my transparent cables. I have Transparent ref in speaker and in interconnect cables. However, I have found that below the Ultra level (maybe even at the Ultra level) the Coincident CST interconnects equal the performance and at a way cheaper price. Maybe someone will give you a 30 day trial before you lay down the cash.
If I do replace the Transparents, I'd want something with the same richness/warmth/musicality...and cheaper would be a big plus....what other cables should I look at? Right now I'm auditioning an Arcam CD72T, and the Audio Refinement Complete CD. The Arcam has great detail, good layering of sound, liquid highs, nice tight bass, but the mids sound somewhat thin and uninvolving...almost hollowed out (I think the player is already broken in...I'm going to check w/ the dealer tomorrow...I'm running it 24/7 in the mean time). The ARC is more musical, but doesn't offer much overall improvement over the Cambridge D500 I have now. Piezo, I'm seriously considering taking your advice and putting the audio thing on hold for awhile so that I can get the Taylor.