I once shipped a painting to a buyer via UPS. It was double-boxed and otherwise packaged exactly in accordance with UPS recommendations. When it was delivered, the box had been pierced through-and-through by some object perhaps 4cm in diameter. Buyer refused delivery and (praise God) took polaroids of the damage. Then began the saga. UPS insisted that the package be held for their inspection. Claim denied: "improper packaging." Denial appealed. UPS then produced photos of a bogus box, claiming that it was the one used for shipping. I contacted the buyer who provided his polaroids. God love the man, he had included the delivery man in the photo. I threatened UPS with a call to the DA regarding criminal fraud. Got personal phone call from "senior VP" at UPS telling me that it was all a horrible mistake and, oh, by the way, would I mind just sending back the bogus photos sent to me "in error." Check arrived by overnight delivery. Case closed.
There is no level of sleaze to which these jokers will not stoop.
There is no level of sleaze to which these jokers will not stoop.