Best CDR ?

I am looking to purchase a CDR or CDR-RW for recording digital and analog. So far I have found several units out there from Pioneer, Yamaha, Phillips, Denon and Marantz. I am looking for something of quality below the 1K level. I am also considering using this unit as a transport. As of now I am leaning towards the Pioneer PD-R19RW. Any and all Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
HHB is an English company that has been making pro-audio for some time. They use a pioneer drive. They make some of the best stuff and the suggestions given are right on the money! However, if you can't swing for it buy a professional unit from Marantz, Tascam or Fostex. Stay away from the consumer stuff. As I have stated in the past, there are several advantages to pro units. The best being the ability to use what ever CDR format you like and no copy protection.
I found the HHB website and you guys are right. This is one nice unit. I also came accross the Fostex unit (CR300). Anyone have any input input on this unit.
I agree that the HHB unit is the one to get. Try Uncle's Stereo in NYC for low prices. They have a web page too ( or something like that) I think that the Fostex and Tascam units use the same drive as the HHB 850. Someone told me that Pioneer actually makes these units for HHB. The HHB 850 that I have works very well. I even works quite well as a playback unit. I also like the SCMS bypass and the fact that you can use the cheapo date CDR discs instead of the Audio only ones. I have not been able to discern any difference in sound quality between them either. The only drawback is you need a decent CD player for your source. It's not an all in one unit.
I have a Tascam CDRW 5000 it will do regular and rewritables it has Balanced and unbalanced analog connectors and provides SPDIF, AES/EBU, and optical digitas ins and outs. In my opinion the copies that I make from my Meridian transport via an Illuminations D60 SPDIF cable are preferable to the original CD. Who could ask for more than that. The brand of CDR matters as well. I haven't tried them all, but the best I have is the TDK 700MB CDRs. Some brands actually don't sound better than the original.