midfi turntable cable: revealing vs. forgiving

I've got a pair of Dynaudio contour 1.3 Mk II speakers and an NAD C320BEE amp in my room. I've found that some sources (notably my tuner) sound better with a "forgiving" rather than a "revealing" cable. My Stanton gyropoise turntable has the stock cable and I thought I would re-wire it. It will require soldering, and I'd like to get it right the first time. The question is: if I use a revealing, detailed cable will I get more noise than I can handle? Should I use a forgiving cable, even stick with the stock one?
Stick with the stock...when you get the upgrade bug...buy a whole new table...from Rega,Project,MusicHall.etc..good luck...
The simplest you can do for that TT is to change the RCA jacks. To significantly improve the sound without having to do readjustments down the line would mean:

1) cooking the whole wiring patch (headshell, tonearm, ICs). If you have a computer tower you can spare you can download the generator program from Marchand Electronics.

2) addressing the speed sensing/correction isue of your table. Your TT's mechanism has to fight line noise and keep the platter turning. Line filtration will help. If you can use a cheaper cryo'ed cord things will get better.

Is the TT worth going through all this trouble? That's not the real issue. You will learn a lot and will be able to reach your own conclusions. Next time someone parrots away one of those flimsy glass and particle board TTs you'll know better...