Who needs drugs when you've got music?


Does your stereo do this to you very often?

This is the only test of great stereo!
Well we all have our positions and points of view, don't we. How pray tell did you wander on to this thread? Do you remember?
Hey um I was kinda asking who had the drugs earlier, come on guys kick down! Seriously though Csontos, differences of opinion are sort of the backbone of the internet but when your opinion is "what you are doing is wrong" well folks are gonna react as they have reacted. In other words, stop harshing our mellow dude!

So true, but drugs "in excess" distort perception, if you what that, it is your choice!

I guess you did not get my quote from "in search of the lost chord" by the Moody Blues.

It answers the the drug experience question completely!
Jond, the operative here was the word "if". Looks like you relate. Never the less, I stand by what I said.

Don, that's the whole point though, isn't it?
Herbs in excess can DESTROY an otherwise well made dish. Stop excessive herb abuse before a meal is ruined!