Who needs drugs when you've got music?


Does your stereo do this to you very often?

This is the only test of great stereo!

So true, but drugs "in excess" distort perception, if you what that, it is your choice!

I guess you did not get my quote from "in search of the lost chord" by the Moody Blues.

It answers the the drug experience question completely!
Jond, the operative here was the word "if". Looks like you relate. Never the less, I stand by what I said.

Don, that's the whole point though, isn't it?
Herbs in excess can DESTROY an otherwise well made dish. Stop excessive herb abuse before a meal is ruined!
Good point, moderation in all things is good. Usually. But sometimes as they say........go big or go home!
Getting back to the OPs point, yes, music can and does move me without the need of drugs. (Yes, I did smoke back in the day and drank beer to fool my parents. That was in the past and I begrudge no one here what they choose to do.)

I'm just not that high and mighty or condescending enough to pass judgement on anyone here.

Now it's just a half a glass of wine once a week or so. All it takes, for me, is to simply slip into the music when the connection is made and it's off to audio nirvana. By the way, I'd love to experience Joyce DiDonato from what I just read.