Upgrade LP 12 or...

I've recently rediscovered my vinyl, but I'm not going to give up digital. I have an LP 12 with an aging Troika, Ittok LVII, Valhalla and Cirkus, and I'm considering some upgrades. If I go the Lingo, Ekos II and Akiva route, it is really going to add up (Akiva around $3500, Ekos about $2750 and Lingo $1600). That's a bunch of dough, and I wonder if I can do better for the same money or less. I listen to about 80% rock/pop/folk/progressive, 15% classical and 5% jazz. I've been interested in the Teres, Wilson Benesch Circle, new P9 and Acoustic Signature turntables. Something that is easy to set-up and maintain would be a plus for me. If I change turntables, I'll probably replace the entire rig. What do you think?
Just looked at your system and it looks amazing! - completely out of my $$$ league. Only thing I might say is you might want to get that TT off the multi-component rack, the combined mass of all the components will not please the turntable. Try putting it on a dedicated stand that is rigidly seated to the floor or wall, and also the Linn's internal suspension will probably work better without any "footers" or such underneath the table.

I must add I am very jealous of you disc spinner, I had a Musical Fidelity Electra cd player (only $650) that was very satisfying. I can't even imagine what yours is capable of!
I don't know from your post what it is you think you're missing.

That said, I agree with Benthar about the placement of the tt, unless you have a cement floor. I have mine on a Mana wall shelf that makes a hell of a difference. I would also do something about whatever those feet are that the tt is on. They must be dampening the sound too much (my gut feeling).

"Aging" Troika, though, is what I picked up on. I don't know why you'd fork over the cash for those upgrades. Personally, I don't think they're worth that much in sonic enhancements. I'd throw on a new cartridge and live with it for a while, then figure out what tweeks/"upgrades" to do next.
Arthur Salvatore has some strong opinions about turntables and potentially some offensive words about Linn tables. Search for high-endaudio.com. I've found much of what he says about tables, arms and cartridges to be accurate.
One of the big problems with the Lp 12 is it's set up, most dealer's said, they are specialists, but based to my experience, leaving their shop, and the player wasn't the same.

The best upgrades for this one, are in my opinion, from Naim, specially the Aro arm. It's a very good one.

Another frustrating fact, even when full upgraded with very much money, all owners I know, who changed later to a serious design ( VPI TNT, or Basis 2400, Basis Ovation, Well Tempered, Michell, Oracle ) couldn't believe the huge difference in sonic improvement. All told me, it was frustrating to realize, spending so much money for a inferior design ( in comparison ).

It was a super product for dealers, always with upgrades, a dealers dream for making money, and for all set up guys.

Their work never stopped.

And the owner was always ready to pay .....

Anyway, when you want to go with it, try it with Naim ARO arm, avoid the Lingo.
I looked at your system pics -
1) get rid of those gawdawful blobs under the Sondek
2) at the very least(for the sake of matching cosmetics) get a separate 2-3 tier Quadraspire stand and use it only for support of the turntable- wallmounting would be even better
3)consider replacing or rebuilding the Troika- it's probably knackered

Only after you've addressed the turntable's feet, cartridge and support should you consider upgrades (particularly psu and arm) or changes(unless you just want to change for the sake of change- a potential quagmire if you like what the Linn does and have built your system around those qualities)