Mike, I use a mass-loaded TT stand, which has granite slabs over wood, and topped with MDF covered with formica on the surface. I don't believe in soft isolation on a TT. I think isolation is the worst thing that you can do to a TT. In my opinion, direct coupling is the only thing that allows true dynamics and bass response. I would never isolate my TT. If I have a problem with the floor, then I fix the floor, I don't wreck to sound of my TT, in order to try to band aid a floor problem. The system I use now is a makeshift stand that I threw together. But it does the job, and has no "mushy" parts between the TT and the floor.
Regarding the comparison of sonics between the Teres and Sota tables, I am hesitant to say, as I don't want to tweak anyone's nose, but in my opinion it is no contest, the Teres walks away from the Sota. Sota is a nice table, but the Teres is in a whole other league, sonically. The main competition for the Teres 245 all cost over $10k. There is one other TT that would compete with the Teres in a similar price range, and that is the Redpoint TT. You can see it at the Redpoint website. I considered it too ugly for my tastes. Also I think that their motor/contoller doesn't do as well. But sonically, it would compete, if you want to pay $850 more than the Teres 245 and get a butt ugly TT. The Redpoint is an offshoot of the Teres project, and uses the same main bearing. The guy doing Redpoint is one of the original Teres project participants, Thom Mackris. Personally, I think the Teres is just as good sounding or better, and looks 100% better, and costs $850 less. This is the only TT that could be considered competition for the Teres under $10k with arm. IMHO, of course.