VPI vs Nitty Gritty

Who makes the better record cleaner? Why?
I think it depends on what you consider to be better. I owned a NG 1.5FI and washed about 4500 LPs and 700 45s on it. During that time, I replaced the record spindle several times, the V drive puck several times, the cleaning lips many times (every 150-200 LPs), and had the vac unit rebuilt once. It is still in-service for a friend of mine and working fine. I currently have a VPI 17H and am up to about 400 LP cleaned. Given the methods I use, both machines seem to clean to the same standard. The differences I see are that the VPI spins the record faster, has fewer parts that require routine replacement, and can be in-use for more extended periods of time. As stated above, the VPI is a larger unit; that can be a plus or a draw-back, depending on your situation. Used fluid is easier to deal with on the VPI (IMHO). Both units were purchased new; the NG was $350 and the VPI was $900. The VPI is just a bit more quiet in its operation. I think the situation the unit is used in determine which is 'better'.
I just purchased a KAB unit which is a licensed nitty gritty 1.0 without the vacuum, you hook up your own vacuum the only real complaint I have is the cheap felt brush they give you. Buy a good brush and more fluid somewhere else. Here is their website if you are interested. $139.00 plus shipping. http://www.kabusa.com
Both companies make a good product. I've used a Nitty Gritty 2.5 since 1987 - - works great/quite reliable. If I were in the market for a new record cleaning machine, however, I'd go with VPI - -slightly better design (see Lucishow@yahoo.com post) - but not enough of a difference for me to "trade up."