Acoustic Zen Hologram vs. A. Plus Silver Oval...

Anyone out there compared these two?

I am currently using a Bi-Wire/shotgunned Analysis Plus Silver Oval/Oval 9 on my Martin-Logan Oyssey's and am generally sastisfied, but....

Thanks to any and all.
I realize I have slightly different models, but perhaps this will help anyway.

I have the acoustic zen satori & until two days ago the acoustic zen silver ref i/c. The satori walks all over the AP oval 9 copper cables I had. The silver ref i/c is one of the best i/c's I've heard. Not ultra-transparent (like upper end nordosts), but nicely detailed, harmonically balanced, and wonderful to listen to. They remind me of vandersteen speakers.
I aggre on the Likes of Satori or Hollogram (pref Satori) vs the Analysis IMO. good luck. Audioalexander
Been a while since I posted this, still haven't changed from my Analysis Silver/Oval 9 bi-wire speaker cable.

I'm running the Silver on the top (stat) of my M.L. Prodigys.

Any other contenders in the $500-ish price range (bi-wire) that I should consider as a definate step-up from my Analysis Plus??

Thanks to all & Happy New Year!
I've found another cable that I am really happy with since you posted over a year ago. Argent Audio Jaden Signature. They are certainly worth checking out, I think they outdo AZ and AP by a wide margin. They are available for free audition by Ric Cummings the desinger. His website is They might be touch over your budget, but when you hear them you're gonna freak.
Cool, thanks Ejlif, I own a set of the "Roomlens", and really like what they do, so I'll definately check the cables out!

BTW - at the time of my initial post, I wasn't aware of the (then) fairly new Analysis Plus "Solo Crystal Oval 8", so I would also be curious to hear anyone's "analysis" of these also.

Thanks again!
