I don't believe that all stock cords are made cheaply. Some manufacturers believe that the cord they supply is sufficient to do the job. Only by trial and error will you determine if an aftermarket cord will enhance the performance of a particular unit. I have had some success using an inexpensive ($60) pc from diycable.com on my preamp's power supply. I spent slightly more ($95)on one for my cdp and both work better than the stock cords they came with. With my amp it has been a different story - all pcs costing $300 or less that I have tried haven't done a thing to better the amp's sonics/performance.
Try to audition a few or if you can't try before you buy you can find pretty decent deals on used cords here. Cables are very system/your ears/your wallet/ dependant. I have found that in my limited auditions that pcs have offered the least increase in my desired outcome versus interconnects and speaker cables. Thats not to say that things might be very different in your system to your ears. But don't be afraid to admit to yourself after an audition that you didn't hear/experience anything positive. It may just be the fact that the cable you tried isn't the right one and you will find one that will "do" it for you. Don't "will" yourself to hear something that isn't there. If its there you'll know it...
Try to audition a few or if you can't try before you buy you can find pretty decent deals on used cords here. Cables are very system/your ears/your wallet/ dependant. I have found that in my limited auditions that pcs have offered the least increase in my desired outcome versus interconnects and speaker cables. Thats not to say that things might be very different in your system to your ears. But don't be afraid to admit to yourself after an audition that you didn't hear/experience anything positive. It may just be the fact that the cable you tried isn't the right one and you will find one that will "do" it for you. Don't "will" yourself to hear something that isn't there. If its there you'll know it...