VPI HR-X vs SME 20

Hi all,
I’m on market for new turntable and can't decide between two: SME20/A
and new VPI HR-X, I had a chance to listen to SME20/2A and I was impressed it had great bottom end and good control, overall presentation was good, build quality also very good, you sort of get filling that will last for ever, but somehow I fill that its not as musical as I would like. Unfortunately not much info on new VPI as it is so new, wonder if anyone here have chance to listen to above two TT's and can share experience. I’m in Sydney so demo on VPI hot rod is difficult.
Best regards,
Rufus: I am NOT a dealer for either product, although I have owned turntables from both companies. Specifically, there ARE problems with the motor and the arm. I have a friend who has been waiting forever for the replacemet motor and arm. If you are uncomfortable with my statement, I will put you directly in touch with him. As an owner of this table, I can understand why my statement would make you feel the way you do and I am sorry for that.

I too respect you and we have a mutual friend who has my highest regard. I have no motivation here other than giving Andski a "heads up" on what I know.
Jonathan, let me make sure I have got my facts straight here. Is it correct to assume that your assertions regarding problems with the motor and arm on the HR-X are based on one friend’s experiences? If that is indeed the case, to make a blanket statement that all of the motors and arms are defective is grossly unfair and misleading. Let me illustrate my point. A mutual friend of ours bought an Audio Aero Capitole Mk. II CD Player. As you are well aware, his experiences with the player have been a nightmare. Let’s assume I posted the following on the bulletin board in response to a question regarding the Capitole and another player:

“I would go for the XXXX CD Player. It is a more finished product. The Capitole Mk. II is having all sorts of problems. The XXXX is reliable, ready for market and marvelous.”

How would you have responded to the post? Given that you probably have sold more of these players than any dealer in the country, I imagine you would have been defending the product and calling me on the carpet for doing so. This post is no different than what you posted about the HR-X. Do you now know what I am trying to say here? While your friend may be having problems with his table, to make a blanket condemnation of all of them is way off base.

I am sorry for my confusion over you being an SME dealer. I could have sworn that I saw on the Chambers Audio website that you were a dealer. I would also like to take you up on your offer to contact your friend. I find it very hard to believe his problems have not been addressed by VPI given their reputation in the industry for customer service. I have a suspicion here that we are not getting the whole story on the situation. My motivation for responding to this has nothing to do with me owning one of these tables. I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks about my purchasing decisions. I know my experience with the product and it goes counter to what you have stated. I just don’t like to see one of the truly nice people in this industry getting unfairly slammed.

All the best,

Rufus, can you keep us all posted on this? I am very interested in the outcome. I too am interested in the VPI HR-X TT and would like to know the potential problems.
I currently own an Aries and I have not had any problems with the motor. Although, the Aries does not use a flywheel. Jtinn's comment about the arm (12.5) could be with regard to the anti-skate? If so, he may be correct in his concern. However, with (very) carful playing around with the cable you can get it correct (if not close), and Wally has a new anti-skate device that may do the trick!
Rufus, your assumptions are incorrect. My friend has not had the chance to try the table, which has been sitting in his house for four months, because both his dealer and the VPI factory said they were having problems.

When you speak with my friend, who is an Audiogon member, you will certainly feel differently about the "reputation in the industry for customer service" statement.

When I sell the Audio Aero, I let everyone know about the problems that have arisen. I also suggest for these reasons that they buy new so they have the warranty. I do not always suggest buying new to my customers.

My friend is out of town, but I will put you in touch with him. He will be visiting me during the weekend of the 21st. Please ask our mutual friend for my phone number and I will put you in touch with him.

Let us get another thing straight, I never slammed anyone and maybe you need to re-read these posts. The other thing you need to be aware of is as a reviewer, you think anyone is going to share with you info about problems they are having with a product you will be reviewing? Please.