Monster Cable Kicks Butt?

Let me preface this by saying that I'm an avid audiophile thats tried many different cables in all price ranges and have made several of my own.Iv'e been completely neutral on the wires don't make a difference saga also.Anyway I'm between speaker cable and needed something to hook up until the latest arrives so I go and get 20 ft of basic 12ga Monster and some of thier twist lock bananas, $65 bucks total, and hook it up.I was shocked at what came out of the speakers.Tight bass,clean airy highs,no harshness or glare,delightfull! I have McCormack DNA-1 REV A,ARC CD-2,ARC LS 15 and Dynaudio Contour 1.1's all great,accurate gear.Anyway these damn Monsters sound as good as the $1200 cables I just sold!Somebody pinch me please!
Of course your Monster cables sound as good as your $1200 cables because your electronics are closer to midfi than high end and can't allow you to hear the difference between the two cables. When you upgrade your front end and electronics someday, you will then hear the difference.
Audionut--Of course I've upgraded my components in the last 12 years! I would never have spent any serious money on cables when that money could have gone to better gear! The whole point of my first posting was the concept of proportion--keeping your gear and your cables in proportion with one another. I'm sorry that escaped you.
on a related topic: assuming that when you're buying monster cable you're paying for a name & hype, what's the alternative in the price range?
The Monsters probably sound different which could mean better for a while but if you put a better cable back in the system it would probably change your mind and sound better again. We all get use to a certain sound and when we hear different we go yeah better but later it too becomes lesser.