Is vinyl dead ?

Has anyone else noticed the lack of vinyl gear and accessories in the latest Audio Advisor catalogue ? Have sales slipped so much that they no longer feel the need to include this category of products in their catalogues ? Makes you wonder what's going on ??? Sean

Looking at your system I note that you, "have two power plants to seperate analog from digital" (your words).

Let me guess, you did this to protect your nice digital music from those analog nasties? ROTFLMAO.
Vader: Just saw the pics of your system, very nice!

Please don't take offence, but I'm amazed at the amount of money people spend on tweaky things. It's as if you get to a level where you've GOT all the good things, and then there's nowhere left to go so you start looking for things in rainbows.

The secret to good sound is system synergy and finding hardware that suits your taste. Instead of all those fancy cables and power conditioners you would be amazed ( for less money) if you simply plonked a secondhand high-end turntable in there, or switched your speaker to an electrostatic/panel/horn design or one using exotic hi-tech materials like Beryllium/Raven Ribbons/Accuton Ceramics.

All those fancy cables are appropriately named after snakes - Powersnakes/Pythons/Black Mamba...all 'snake oil' stuff, IMHO.

Please don't flame me for this guys, just trying to give another perspective.


Steve M.
The main problem that guy has is setup. Everything is cluttered and the speakers are too big for the room, there is absolutely NO space to create a stereo image. The room would be good for a Bose 901 setup. That's the type of space they love (he!). I agree, better (and much smaller) speakers should have been set-up. That's why I love near field listening.

The power regenerators, though probably overkill in terms of $$$$ and size are something very important. I would have executed it with my own style...and forgone the expensive power cords.

But, what do I know? I'm the crazy guy that's in love with his modded 1200!

One more thing Vate, who's your audio dealer? He really screwed you selling you all that stuff and then throwing it all with no regards to anything! I want to avoid him like the plague!
Psychicanimal: While i agree that Vader's installation seems to be configured much moreso for convenience rather than performance, i sincerely doubt that the dealer had anything to do with this. As to the specific selection of gear that anyone owns, those are all personal decisions that nobody but ourselves are responsible for. I don't remember anyone, not even the pushiest dealer in town, ever holding a gun to my head and saying "pay retail for this and do it NOW". We buy what we like and think will work good. Obviously, some of us have different approaches and likes / dislikes than others, but hey, that's why they make different makes and models. After all, variety is the spice of life : ) Sean

PS... You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar. Rather than attack Vader and belittle the dealer he may have worked with, you might have tried to ask a few questions that might make him re-assess his installation or offer a few pointers that you know for certain could improve the installation. After all, i think that we've all learned from questions asked by others and / or posed to us. I also think that we've all had some form of outside help ( in most cases ) to help us better understand how things "should be" rather than how they currently are. I don't think that any of us, me included, woke up one day and know what we do now without some form of outside influence. Most of our knowledge comes from first hand experience gained over a very long and slow period of time and / or knowledge passed onto us from others that had experience and were willing to share. Nobody becomes a brain surgeon overnight.
Not sure where you live, Vader, but if it is in the Bay Area California, contact me. I bet that in one afternoon, and some flexibility with regard to placement (send the wife on a shopping trip?), there would be sound coming from that rig that you would not believe. Plus, I'd wager that a quality table in your rig would flip you with regard to analog (with digital remainig in its rightful place).