After lots of trial and error, I decided on the Harmonic Technology Pro AC-11. It's a fabulous cord and won't kill the wallet. Soundstaging expanded and bass is nice and tight. I also use a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet for my power amp only. Source components are plugged into an AC Line Conditioner.
I agree with most everyone that an aftermarket powercord WILL make a huge difference. But, be careful 'cuz there's a law of diminshing returns regarding price/performance ratio. The Harmonic Techs provide a great sound for a very reasonable price. Try 'em.
I agree with most everyone that an aftermarket powercord WILL make a huge difference. But, be careful 'cuz there's a law of diminshing returns regarding price/performance ratio. The Harmonic Techs provide a great sound for a very reasonable price. Try 'em.