Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?

This is my first "dip" into the world of power cords. I have read a few good things about these (and the price is right!). What are some opinions? I have the REGA Mira and the Planet 2000.
Hi, Gunbie. This is very good feedback. Which Virtual Dynamics pc did you use? How much of a difference did you find between the two on your amp? Thanks for sharing...
Bluenose, I compared the APC to the Virtual Dynamic 3; the Power 3 was much better (on amp, pre, UO, and jitter box). The APC sounded like stock. Like yourself, I am a slow convert to power cords. None of my power cords cost over $100, and most I bought used. The APC is the only one I regret buying. I just can't figure out the hype.

Well everyone has their own taste/preference as far as AC cords go and they can be very system dependent. I have tried many of the rave cords in the up to $300 price range and I prefer the Absolutes and sold all my other cords. I have tried other cords that have more excitement or "life" as some put it, but I prefer the smoother and to me more musical/natural presentation of the Absolutes.

If you check the other products sold by GTT Audio they sell some of the best gear money can buy, so I think the guy knows what a good cord can sound like. Anyway for $50 hard to go wrong and you may like them as much as I do.
Bluenose, I forgot to mention that first I installed an Acoustic Zen Tsunami on my amp while the other APCs were still in place. The AZ had a mellowing effect on the sound, which was very welcome indeed. Then I got the VD P2s for my transport, DAC, and preamp, and thats when things started getting good.

Megasam is, er..."absolutely" correct, PCs like anything else are very system dependent. I purchased the APCs based on MANY positive testimonials on Agon, but they just didn't work for me. And again as Sam points out a lot of that is based on personal taste in music reproduction. With the APCs my system exhibited a kind of sponginess, and while being nice and mellow it eventually started to bug me. The Virtual Dynamics brought amazing life to everything without introducing any harshness, overall a much more convincing reproduction of musicians playing in front of my listening chair.

It should be noted that Rick Schultz sells the VD Power 2s for $125 which is more than double the cost of the APCs, but he does offer two other PCs closer in price to them. The Basic I believe is $30 and the Power 3 is $50.

BTW, how have you been Sam?
Hey Gunbei
Been off the cable "merry-go-round" for a while, just bought a Headroom Max headphone amp for my Senn 600's (sweet) and recently got a used Quantum Symphony Pro (power conditioner) here which I like.

Still waiting for Bel Canto to release update to Dac 1.1, or I may soon pull the trigger on Aero Capitale or similar
all in one CDP.

Back to AC cords I think its fair to say we now have some good cords in the $150 or less range which wasn't the case
a couple years ago, good news for the less than affluent audiophile.