Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?

This is my first "dip" into the world of power cords. I have read a few good things about these (and the price is right!). What are some opinions? I have the REGA Mira and the Planet 2000.
Well everyone has their own taste/preference as far as AC cords go and they can be very system dependent. I have tried many of the rave cords in the up to $300 price range and I prefer the Absolutes and sold all my other cords. I have tried other cords that have more excitement or "life" as some put it, but I prefer the smoother and to me more musical/natural presentation of the Absolutes.

If you check the other products sold by GTT Audio they sell some of the best gear money can buy, so I think the guy knows what a good cord can sound like. Anyway for $50 hard to go wrong and you may like them as much as I do.
Bluenose, I forgot to mention that first I installed an Acoustic Zen Tsunami on my amp while the other APCs were still in place. The AZ had a mellowing effect on the sound, which was very welcome indeed. Then I got the VD P2s for my transport, DAC, and preamp, and thats when things started getting good.

Megasam is, er..."absolutely" correct, PCs like anything else are very system dependent. I purchased the APCs based on MANY positive testimonials on Agon, but they just didn't work for me. And again as Sam points out a lot of that is based on personal taste in music reproduction. With the APCs my system exhibited a kind of sponginess, and while being nice and mellow it eventually started to bug me. The Virtual Dynamics brought amazing life to everything without introducing any harshness, overall a much more convincing reproduction of musicians playing in front of my listening chair.

It should be noted that Rick Schultz sells the VD Power 2s for $125 which is more than double the cost of the APCs, but he does offer two other PCs closer in price to them. The Basic I believe is $30 and the Power 3 is $50.

BTW, how have you been Sam?
Hey Gunbei
Been off the cable "merry-go-round" for a while, just bought a Headroom Max headphone amp for my Senn 600's (sweet) and recently got a used Quantum Symphony Pro (power conditioner) here which I like.

Still waiting for Bel Canto to release update to Dac 1.1, or I may soon pull the trigger on Aero Capitale or similar
all in one CDP.

Back to AC cords I think its fair to say we now have some good cords in the $150 or less range which wasn't the case
a couple years ago, good news for the less than affluent audiophile.
Sam, as you know I'm pretty new to all of this, especially power cords. So I was shocked that such a change could occur from just the wall to the component.

I haven't really been into headphones since the 70's. But that was more to hide the fact from my parents that I was laughing so hard because it wasn't music but Richard Pryor and George Carlin that I was listening to sometimes. I use a pair of Grado SR60s here at work for MP3s and Quake3, but I've never played with the better offerings out there.

Audio Aero Capitole?!!! Wholly cow, that's sweet. I just got a Kora Hermes last week and have really fallen in love with it so much so that I may end up selling my Bel Canto DAC 1.1 soon. It's very good, but not as refined and natural as the Kora.

Back to PCs, I just couldn't bring myself to purchase a gang of BMI Whale Elites for $4-500 per. I'm so glad there are such affordable offerings these days.

Don't wait too long...Pull that trigger now!!!!
OPPPS! Just saw what the new retail price is on Aero Capitole 24/192, out of my league. I will keep waiting for new Bel Canto update or check out more resaonable CDP with newest DAC technology, haven't gotten too serious yet.

Another reason I like AC cords like Absolutes is they are flexible/lightweight and easy to use with bearing isolation, and route behind rack. It sometimes looks silly and is physically diffucult to have one of those monster AC cords attached to a small DAC for instance.