Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?

This is my first "dip" into the world of power cords. I have read a few good things about these (and the price is right!). What are some opinions? I have the REGA Mira and the Planet 2000.
Read this:

"Dynamic Filtering is the result of our studies. Virtual Dynamics uses applied science to displace unwanted mechanical frequencies from the path of your audio system."

1) which studies?
2) which science?
3) how?

"Dynamic Filtering is as important to the design of our cable as the electrical principles we have incorporated."

1) which principles?

"Our new Signature line of products differ from our Reference line due to further applications of Dynamic Filtering. The difference in the level of this mechanical application helps us to create a cable with improved sonic characteristics."

1) what type of applications?
2) define "further". Is "further" quantifiable?
3) define "level" . This must, by default, be quantifiable (besides the price tag, of course).
4) which sonic characteristics in particular?


I am NOT against this product, for I have never auditioned it or heard comments on it before reading this thread.

However, I used to make my living as a QA officer for a regulatory agency and part of my job was dissecting text similar to the above (SOP's from private water chemistry labs submitting their protocols to us for approval). When a text like the above is dissected and questions posed the other's side credibility is at stake...


Personally, I don't think power cords should perform double duty as filters. They're just, by definition, power cords...
Psychicanimal, let the cables speak for themselves... We can tell you how good they are are until hell freezes over, but you'll never know if they work for you unless you try them out. I started with the Virtual Dynamics Audition on my CD player and the Power 3 on my amp and the improvement was definitely there, not a bit, but HUGE. I'm not talking: Oh that sounds nice... But "Wow this sounds like a piano, violin etc..." All the notes were right and the noise floor was gone for good. I found that other cables added their personalities to the music ie Cardas Golden, XLO etc... The Virtual Dynamics simply let the components be their best. Give them a try, if you don't like them (hahaha, right) you can return them.
Oh yes, one more thing, I like the power cords so much I replaced all my cabling with Virtual Dynamics Reference IC's, Shotgun Spkr cables and jumpers.
Tried one and I think I like my stock cords better - or was that the absolute that I liked better? I don't know. They look the same - they sound the same - I cannot tell the difference so to me, it was absolutely not worth the 50 bucks.
For Buckingham: I have not kept the cables from speaking for themselves--it was their copywriter who started writing all that mumbo jumbo on the website. To a critical thinker like me stuff like that just turns me away from a product. It can be a great product (read again, I wrote that I have not auditioned it and am not against it), but the bad copywriting works against it.

Again, I don't think audio grade power cords should have filtration incorporated in them. It's only my opinion...

The simplicity of the Absolute Power Cord is one of the things I like about it. Its just a power cord.

Allow me to paraphrase Bruce Lee: "Before studying the arts a punch was just a punch. While studying the arts, a punch was more than a punch. After studying the arts, a punch is just a punch."

From "Tao of Jeet Kune Do"