Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?

This is my first "dip" into the world of power cords. I have read a few good things about these (and the price is right!). What are some opinions? I have the REGA Mira and the Planet 2000.
Oh yes, one more thing, I like the power cords so much I replaced all my cabling with Virtual Dynamics Reference IC's, Shotgun Spkr cables and jumpers.
Tried one and I think I like my stock cords better - or was that the absolute that I liked better? I don't know. They look the same - they sound the same - I cannot tell the difference so to me, it was absolutely not worth the 50 bucks.
For Buckingham: I have not kept the cables from speaking for themselves--it was their copywriter who started writing all that mumbo jumbo on the website. To a critical thinker like me stuff like that just turns me away from a product. It can be a great product (read again, I wrote that I have not auditioned it and am not against it), but the bad copywriting works against it.

Again, I don't think audio grade power cords should have filtration incorporated in them. It's only my opinion...

The simplicity of the Absolute Power Cord is one of the things I like about it. Its just a power cord.

Allow me to paraphrase Bruce Lee: "Before studying the arts a punch was just a punch. While studying the arts, a punch was more than a punch. After studying the arts, a punch is just a punch."

From "Tao of Jeet Kune Do"
that is a classic and good to bear in mind within the world of high end audio
Or how about this one Psychicanimal, "True refinement seeks simplicity". Not from the Tao of JKD, but something of his I read when I was in high school.