CD other tweaks

Over the week-end, I had the chance to try an audio tweak.. sanding the outside rim of a CD, the impact was great. I have tried the paint route and had some success..but I had heard about using very fine grit sandpaper on the outside rim of a CD. I tried it and it was up there with major component changes. The most hear-able differences were: a more quiet or "blacker" silence between notes..and a sense or more detail..but more ease at the same time. Has anyone else tried this?
Hey Ya'll Where do I get these tweaks! I, and I'm sur other audigon folks could, use some addresses, pnohe #'s or website addresses. Thanks for you help!!!!!
monroemed, you might try home depot or loews. course, if you wanna ruin your perfectly adaquate cd's on the absolute cheap, just take 'em outside, put 'em on the sidewalk, label side up, place your nike-clad feet on each, then do the hokey-pokey. i guaranty ya you'll hear the results on your next play. and it's a completely free tweek! 'cept for the nikes.
Monroe two of my favorite places for tweaks are Galen Carol Audio,, and of course Cable Co who sells almost any tweak under the sun, Sluggo why settle for "adequate" CDs when sound can be improved.......
For a CD that "skips" or doesn't read properly try a little Meguiare's gently applied by hand and then polished off completely. Yeah, I know this stuff is for cars but it really works. I'm not kidding. Do not know about the long term effects, but I doubt that it does any harm. Anyway, who cares? It's a CD, not an LP.
I think a good way to learn something is to ask the question, "how can this be so?" Got to thinking about audio CD tweaks... if I were to apply any of these to a CD-ROM, what do you suppose would happen? Would my software run faster? Would it produce more accurate results? Now, I asked that with tongue in cheek, because I think you all would recognize that those are ludicrous expectations. We recognizes that the cheap mechanism and electronics in a computer does just fine at absolutely accurate reproduction (i.e., bit for bit, error-free) of what's on the CD-ROM. The only difference with a CD-ROM and CD player is that the CD player takes the additional step of reading out the data placed in buffer memory (i.e., RAM) synchronously with a stable clock and driving a D/A. Fluctuations in the motor speed spinning the CD don't matter, affecting the rate at which data is clocked INTO buffer memory. (Obviously, the average rate of input must equal the readout rate of 44.1 kilosamples/second, and a servo circuit controlling motor speed makes this so.) Differences in A/D chips, filters, and analog output electronics I understand and accept. But we're not talking about any of that -- we're talking about tweaks to the disc. So how is it that these tweaks being mentioned in this thread improve the result? Please note that I'm not arguing with you if you say you hear a difference. I respectfully accept that. Please just help me understand why this can be so.