How much LF info on LPs?


I would like to ask how much audible Low-frequency information do you get from your speakers when spinning vinyl? I know that vinyl definitely doesn't go as low as CDs. That being the case, then wouldn't speakers with good bass extension be irrelevant and a waste of money in a vinyl-only system? I've noticed that big bass=big money, in general. What are your experiences?

I didn't find this anywhere in the archives. If it is there, please direct me.

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions you guys! I guess my main reason for asking was to see if my next speaker purchase would need quality deep bass or if I could get away with spending the same $$ on more quality midrange and treble in a quality mini-monitor instead of a gigantic floorstander with 10" woofers. Also, I do think that I have a mismatch at my cartridge/headshell interface. I have a Stanton CS100 MM and Moerch UP4(green dot) unipivot on a Merrill KT-1 TT. I may need a new armtube/cartridge combo with the correct weight/compliance matching.
Leaving aside the theoretical outer limits of vinyl's frequency range as proposed by TWL, which are one part wishful thinking to two parts religious belief, I would venture to say that there is enough low frequency information on most, if not all lps, to make having a speaker system with good deep bass response worth your while. Check out a recent thread where the issue of sacrificing deep bass response for perceived benefits elsewhere (notably the mid-range) was discussed. IMHO you can have speakers with both at very decent prices, you just don't get to run with the status seekers, that's all. Keep Canada green, buy Canadian speakers!

I do believe that 500 pound canaries hear down to 7hz, but as an offset they have to wash themselves with a rag on a stick.

There are no free rides.
Nrchy, you have a very fine system, but your speakers don't do deep bass. My comments about the merits of digital bass are from listening to a system capable of producing deep bass. Rather than talking in vague generalities, please point out a specific statement where I am in error.
Onhwy61, my system is not the only one I have ever heard. Even if it were, how would that be relevent to anything? I am using the same speakers for listening to CDs and LPs. Why would my speakers (of lesser quality than yours) sound better with LPs than with CDs? I doubt the speakers can tell when I am playing an LP rather than a CD so it probably reproduces everything in its range of ability.

The specific error of your statements is that you are wrong about the mediums ability to reproduce the deepest bass. As I mentioned, I have a CD player, an SACD player and a turntable. Each of them retails for about $3500, so they should be fairly equal in quality (one would think). Neither of them are junk anyway. Neither CD nor SACD will play bass as deep as the Sota/Rega/Benz combination.

Do you think that result will change with different speakers? It's the source, not the speakers that determine the signal arriving at the drivers.

I have a hard time beleiving that your TT doesn't sound better than the Sony 333! Am I to beleive that your CD player reproduces deeper bass? I doubt it! Then again I have never heard your system.