Who has tried Virtual Dynamics cables?

I recently purchased the Signature line of Virtual Dynamics cables (power, speaker, and interconnects) to replace Transparent Reference speaker, Nordost Quatro Fil interconnects, and Shunyata Powersnake Viper V1 and V2 power cords. I found a significant improvement in clarity, detail, lower background noise, tighter bass, and a greater sense of being there. The improvements were so significant, I took my Shunyata Hydra out of the system. Obviously, I probably should have replaced one set of cables at a time so that I could evaluate one change at a time. However, Rick at Virtual Dynamics indicated the cables work together better and, of course, I couldn't wait to hear them. Has anyone tried them as a complete set?
I Have one of the signature pc's on my cd player and was really impressed. I ordered another 20 amp cord for my Roland model 10 amp. I've heard they really open the Roland gear up. I'm trying to sell some coincident sc's and ic's to purchase some of the "nite" series sc and ic's.
Oops! I stand corrected! I mistakenly remembered a conversation with the guru at Virtual MODE...not Dynamics.
Sorry. (Damned gingko isn't worth crap!)
Gunbei, Glad to hear such positive remarks. Could you be so kind in telling me what you have compared them with. Also, what kind of VD do you have? I mean what model?
Yes, I have a feeling you are right about our good friend Dekay. I would imagine the last thing Dekay's wife wants is 3 new versions of VD. Dekay and VD. Interesting thought.
Ya know I love ya Dekay.

Bryceeboy, anything new to report or still have a lot of break in to do?
Brulee, the VD reference cables that I've got still have lots of breaking in to do also. I've only had them for a little while, so they're not really there yet. I noticed that Rick's power cords did take some time to break in, and the same seems to be true for the rest of the cables.
In a couple of weeks I should be able to give you a conclusion. My first impression was the increase in resolution. In the first few seconds I could tell that there was much more getting to my speakers than before. The noise floor has disappeared AGAIN! I thought it was quiet after adding the Audition cord, but now it is really scarry :) If you have any other questions, please let me know.
I forgot to let you know that I've been using a cable cooker to burn in the IC's. After a few days with the cable cooker, they calmed down a bit. I hook the IC's up to the cable cooker every day. If you have some friends with one, definitely use one.