Electrostatic speaker cables...

I just read SoundLabs white paper on electrostatic speaker cables. It recommends low inductance AND low capacitance for a speaker cable, along with a medium impedence.

I own a pair of Martin Logan Aerius i, and am looking for upgrade suggestions: I'm powering them with a VTL IT 85, and right now, am using MIT Terminator4 cables. I would like to find a cable that fits the above suggestions that is also biwired.

Any recommendations? Obviously, SoundLab's own cables would be one idea, but I wouldn't be able to audition them. I'm planning on loaning a bunch of cables from fatwyre.com...

Since I own electrostatic speakers myself I will dare giving it a shot, although my opinion could be biased, since I have eventually become importer of said cables.
But when I was on my cable quest, looking for the perfect set of cables and discovered that HMS Gran Finale will do a great job and at that time at least, I did not have any finical interest in mind, when I decided that in my system, with Prodigy speakers and Bel canto amps, (later I switched to Wolcott tube amps) the Gran Finale were offering a very sweet and neutral sound.
When you have ESL speakers you need a fast cable, and according to Dr. Strassner who did the math, the Gran Finale is faster than our direct competition.
Tekunda, what actually do you mean by the term faster? Do you mean dyamics and if yes, in what range of the audible spectrum ?
Detlof: I had the same question--does "fast" translate to low capacitance or some other measurable characteristic, or is it a technical term like "warm, dark, dry" (I'm not trying to give anyone a hard time--I posted on the audiophile terms forum).
Incidentally, I have tried bearlabs speaker cable on esl with very good results. Note that I use these cables on my regular system too, so it's a reflection of taste.. Also take into account that the ESL in question has an erratic impendance curve (+1 ohm to around 20 ohm). I used a 10ft pair (IF that makes any difference).
For the record, this cable was tonally balanced & reasonably FAST -- by which I mean that transients, following one another, were subjectively perceived as appearing in quicker succession (good point, Detlof & Rives!) -- than with another cable.
When I speak of a fast cable, I have the signal propagation speed in mind. One of our direct competitors advertises that his top cables have the fastest propagation speed in the world, but according to the calculations Dr. Strassner did, the HMS Gran Finale is even faster.
I do not say that his alone will translate in a superb cable, but I always felt that any speaker, especially a ESL, can benefit from this, especially since Mr. Strassner found out that the slower the propagation speed of the signal is, the more the signal will become distorted.
Since we discuss here a certain technical aspect, I hope I am allowed to say that one of the main features of the Gran Finale speaker cables is the ability to adjust the current rise time of the signal. It can play a role in hybrid ESL speakers, but even more so in 3 or 4 way speakers. The bass driver is always slower to react than the midrange and treble, so again, this mismatch in reaction time of the drivers to the current can translate into distortion. With the adjustable current rise time selector, you can match the bass driver to the midrange and treble drivers, gaining a less distorted sound here.