Since I own electrostatic speakers myself I will dare giving it a shot, although my opinion could be biased, since I have eventually become importer of said cables.
But when I was on my cable quest, looking for the perfect set of cables and discovered that HMS Gran Finale will do a great job and at that time at least, I did not have any finical interest in mind, when I decided that in my system, with Prodigy speakers and Bel canto amps, (later I switched to Wolcott tube amps) the Gran Finale were offering a very sweet and neutral sound.
When you have ESL speakers you need a fast cable, and according to Dr. Strassner who did the math, the Gran Finale is faster than our direct competition.
But when I was on my cable quest, looking for the perfect set of cables and discovered that HMS Gran Finale will do a great job and at that time at least, I did not have any finical interest in mind, when I decided that in my system, with Prodigy speakers and Bel canto amps, (later I switched to Wolcott tube amps) the Gran Finale were offering a very sweet and neutral sound.
When you have ESL speakers you need a fast cable, and according to Dr. Strassner who did the math, the Gran Finale is faster than our direct competition.