Audio Equipment... the word Cool... and Life

Audio equipment, cars, cloths, sunglasses, speech and hair are all associated with the word "Cool" sometimes. All these material things have nothing to do with cool. "Cool" is a "state of mind" and some people have it and some will never, no matter how much money, expensive audio system they have or how hard they try. Some nuclear physicists and librarians are cool because its in their "state of mind" and some people will never no matter how hard they try. You know the type... think about it! EVEN AUDIOPHILES CAN BE COOL
Jameswei, (first response)... My observations on the word cool are just that "observations" Much more important is being a good person. "now thats COOL"
I think that beyond high school, one must ask oneself: Are you as cool as Steve Hoffman? Can I irradiate and beguile others with my magical forum? If the answer is no, then, well...

Oh and one more thing to remember, the next time you see a school bus, pull out your trusty rattle can and paint a proud "Steve Rules!" on the side of it. Trust me. The audiophile chicks will dig it.