Spades or bananas

Hi All,
Is there a real difference in sound between spades and bananas (lets say they are both WBT). I understand that spade will give better contact but is the difference audible?

Spades provide more contact area, thus a better electrical connection. However, bananas are easier to connect and disconnect. As far as sound goes, spades are better in my experience. As Marakanetz states above, no termination is probably the best as long as you "tin" the leads with some high quality quadutectic silver-base solder such as that sold by George Cardas.
They both deliver about the same - sometimes bananas tend to fall out of the connection a bit easier than spades do from being tightened onto the binding posts.
They both deliver about the same - sometimes bananas tend to fall out of the connection a bit easier than spades do from being tightened onto the binding posts.
I seriously doubt that I could hear a difference between the two-- even if it were possible to A/B this. But I use and prefer spades. Cheers. Craig