Great bargain - but outta my reach

Ever been grazing the classified here on A'Gon and seen a piece that you KNEW was a KILLER component and was listed at what you KNEW was a KILLER price, but still at a price that was outta the reach of your wallet? A rhetorical question, I guess, cause it has happened to me twice this week.

What piece like that have you seen that has just frustrated the bejeebers out of you and does it make you less satisfied with what you have when you just coulda had better at a smokin' price, if only....?
if only...I had Mr Gates' (of MS fame) financial means, I would snap up the Symphonic Line Kraft 400, the Genesis 1.1, the Tenors, the Jadis Defy (hopefully recent production model). A few good other S-Lines, Spectrals, Piega8's, the Tenors, a Goldmund here & there, and the Cello. And I would be able to set myself & my friends up splendidly!

These pieces come to mind, but I can always expand. (Any Quads waiting to be snapped up?)

But, most of all, I'd buy MUSIC!

I'd buy the complete INTERNATIONAL classical catalogue of EMI, Universal, Chandos, Warner, Naxos, H-Mundi and then some. Mostly on vinyl; whatever's not available on LP, I'd get on CD. Whatever I already have, or don't like (personal taste), goes to friends. The top performances, I re-order in multiples for friends. If they don't have vinyl, there's lots of good TTs & phonos around, I'd deliver the LPs with the appropriate h/ware.

In fact 4y, I have such a lot of money, I'll buy you your dream Jadis 800 NEW -- what the heck, there's more living in sharing!

Thanks for helping me dream for a while! Cheers
I didn't intend for this to be a "wish-list" thread, though Gregm's list is certainly impressive and is shared by me. On the other hand, I owuld never restirct anyone from posting what they want (with possible exception of the drivel to be currently found in the last third of the thread regarding MIT cables on the cable forum!).

Anyway, and I know this smacks heavily of envy, I am thinking of the piece one sees that is a bargain price for what is being offered, you'd love to have it, can't quite afford it, almost consider a second mortgage to get it, and then see the "SOLD" sign posted, knowing that some lucky one with deeper pockets snagged the deal of your lifetime....RATS!
A while back, a pair of Atma-sphere MA-1's, latest model, low usage, going for less than half-price; I was about 2 hours late. Also once bid on an auction for a brand new set of MA-1's with no reserve; I chickened out at what turned out to be only a few hundred bucks below the high bid, which itself was only a little over half-price.