Are You Content With Your System?

I have a Mark Levinson 335, Mark Levinson 39, B&W N803s All Harmonic technology cables and Slamander synergy racks. My audio room is only 17x13. In the future I want to change my N803s and get my Favorite Revel Salons or the Studios. I have wanted them for a long time. And I also want the Levinson mono blocks. But knowing that I sit back and turn my system on. I turn down the lights and light a candle I pick a nice new age cd that is well recorded and close my eyes and wow! My system sounds so great I am so content with the sound and the looks.(levinson gear is beautiful) Well the point Iam trying to make is even though we all know that we can do and have better are you content with what you have? If I never got another peice of gear again I would be happy with the system I put together.I know there are better systems than mine but I also feel Iam at the point of diminishing returns. But there is always room for improvements. Well now that I got off the topic what are you guys using and are you content? What is your dream system? Regards DANIEL
We all probably would be content if we stopped reading all the high-end magazines and coming to sites such as this one.
lev: i think this is a zen question, equivalent to asking "are you content with your life?" the answer, of course, depends upon your perceived (or actual) state of enlightenment. as for me: i'm still tryin' to figure out which mantra is truly my very own. . -cfb
As a sort of generic response, I think a lot of A-gon folks have indicated their satisfaction with their systems by listing them in the "Virtual Systems" section. There is a lot of food for thought in those posts, and I commend them to anyone who is looking for ideas on building a synergistic system.
Yes, I am content with my "big" system down in my listening room. I love it, in fact. I have never heard anything like it. Thank the Lord I do not have access to the sights and sounds of the systems of the others on this site, or I'm sure I would become discontented. To satisfy my never-ending curiousity about other products, I have two other systems in other rooms, not ideal rooms or ideal systems, but different, and enough to give me a flavor for all the rest that is out there. However, I have still never owned or heard electrostats in my home. I'm sure I'm missing nirvana. Do yourself a favor and stop cruising the classified ads every day (as I do), and you will keep relishing those lights-out moments w/a glass of wine while an incredible new disk is playing on the system you already have.
PS why don't you add a vinyl rig to your system? Even a modest one would give you much more food for thought (and tweaking).