Virtual Dynamics + Ensemble Power Cords- good mix

I recently received an excellent power cord from Rick & the crew at Virtual D- his top-of-the-line Power Signature. VERY revealing (like a shot of adrenaline in the system). It has yet to break in fully, and Rick has said his new 'cryo' process will take it to yet another level- he is now offering the additional process on all his cables I believe...

OK- I have been using Ensemble Megaflux PC's only for quite some time, and love the natural tonality, however things seemed not quite as 'alive' as I would have liked. The VD cable brought things to life with just the amount of increased resolution I was looking for, without a higher noise floor.

In my 2-ch system comprised of 4 tube monoblocks in a bi-amp setup, I have found great results using the Virtual D cords on the amps, and keeping the 2 Ensemble cords + one Isolink transformer on digital(Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 CDP).

Same 'virtual' benefit in the second HT-based system- Theta Dreadnaught 5-ch amp is excellent natural-sounding SS, however perhaps a tad on the warmer side of neutral. Installing the VD Power Signature cord here again gave me the resolution I was looking for (kept an Ensemble Isolink and Megaflux PC's on the HT Processor). The only other cord I have wondered about for the Theta amp is the Custom Power Top Gun HCFi- I used to use the regular Top Gun on my old Rowland Concentra integrated, and it was a fine performer.

Anyways- don't hesitate to try the Virtual Dynamics cords- Rick has apparently now added interconnects and speaker cables, and an exclusive cryogenic process for all. As mentioned, they can be put in a 'mix' quite well with other cords too- in fact, I believe mega-cord Audiogon reviewer 'Tekunda' might be using the same VD/Ensemble mix of power cords last time I saw one of his posts. I believe Rick also has a $$$-back guarantee. If you ever speak to him, you will also find him very passionate about what he is doing, with the science to back it up.
sutts: please accept my apology for going even farther off-topic. but.......

stehno: i really have a number of opinions about justice o'connor, depending on the context. i think her rise from a misplaced female on an arizona ranch to the highest court in our land is certainly admirable. i empathize with her battle with cancer and respect her usual independence of spirit. what i decry is the supreme court's unprecedented involvement in the presidential election process of 2001. as a would-be scholar of constitutional law, i found this remarkable insertion of the supreme court into the legislative process to be very disturbing. nearly a throwback to the days of dread scott. that has nothing to do with my political affiliation. i haven't any.

FWIW, if your current unemployment is non-volitional, you have my sympathy. both of my daughters in law have been "laid off" in the last 30 days. it hurts me as it hurts them. as it hurts my sons.

peace and regards,

C'mon guys- perhaps we got a bit off topic here. Do we actually have any other opinions on these CABLES??!!

For those that are also using Virtual Dynamics, let us know what you think, and ESPECIALLY (as was the topic of this post) as a MIX with others...
Hey Sutts,

In my system, my transport and amp gets the most benefit from using the VD P3 cords. I am using Lat International on my dac and a mapleshade on my preamp. I ordered one Audition which I intend to use on the transport and move the P3 to connect the PS Juicebar to the wall.

Sound wise, everything improved with the addition of VD P3 cords in this configuration. I found my alpha dac sounded too airy with a P3, so I am sticking the LAT there for now.
My system still lack a resolution and sounds a little chalky. I think its my transport, so I hope the Audtion will clear that up.

Bottom line: VD seems to be essential on my amp and dac while I prefer other cables on my preamp and dac to fine tune my system's sound.
Hi Guys,
Just received the Audition, Power 2, Power 3 and Mini Lab from my good friend! I've started to run them in! I'll basically be trying them on my Theta transport and Monolithic outboard power supply for my dac!
As Rick stated that full performance will be after about 500hrs fo run-in, I have to say that for now after about some 50hrs of playing with the Audition is strating to come around! I'll post again after I've given it more time! I also plan to try them on my cousin's set and my friend's all tube set!
Hi Ramesh. While I'm still waiting for my cryo'd Audition Package to arrive, I had already been running the Power 2s on my transport, DAC and preamp, and an Acoustic Zen Tsunami on my amp. Later talking with Rick, he felt if there was any place to skimp when it came to power cords, to do it on the amp. But I think it would still be wise to experiment to see which combo we like best. Let us know how your system shapes up as the cords break-in.