Virtual Dynamics + Ensemble Power Cords- good mix

I recently received an excellent power cord from Rick & the crew at Virtual D- his top-of-the-line Power Signature. VERY revealing (like a shot of adrenaline in the system). It has yet to break in fully, and Rick has said his new 'cryo' process will take it to yet another level- he is now offering the additional process on all his cables I believe...

OK- I have been using Ensemble Megaflux PC's only for quite some time, and love the natural tonality, however things seemed not quite as 'alive' as I would have liked. The VD cable brought things to life with just the amount of increased resolution I was looking for, without a higher noise floor.

In my 2-ch system comprised of 4 tube monoblocks in a bi-amp setup, I have found great results using the Virtual D cords on the amps, and keeping the 2 Ensemble cords + one Isolink transformer on digital(Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 CDP).

Same 'virtual' benefit in the second HT-based system- Theta Dreadnaught 5-ch amp is excellent natural-sounding SS, however perhaps a tad on the warmer side of neutral. Installing the VD Power Signature cord here again gave me the resolution I was looking for (kept an Ensemble Isolink and Megaflux PC's on the HT Processor). The only other cord I have wondered about for the Theta amp is the Custom Power Top Gun HCFi- I used to use the regular Top Gun on my old Rowland Concentra integrated, and it was a fine performer.

Anyways- don't hesitate to try the Virtual Dynamics cords- Rick has apparently now added interconnects and speaker cables, and an exclusive cryogenic process for all. As mentioned, they can be put in a 'mix' quite well with other cords too- in fact, I believe mega-cord Audiogon reviewer 'Tekunda' might be using the same VD/Ensemble mix of power cords last time I saw one of his posts. I believe Rick also has a $$$-back guarantee. If you ever speak to him, you will also find him very passionate about what he is doing, with the science to back it up.
Viggen, I never had the chance to try out that power cord swap, and I can't now because I have no speaker cables at all to play my system through. I still have my D60 as well as the Cardas L15 which was the last digital cable I had hooked up, so I can compare those. But as far as speaker cables go, I'll have to rely on memory when trying out the Auditions, which is only partially reliable.


After many hours of listening & all three wires spending days on my cable cooker (audiohama) my choice is the HMS. I originally owned the Jenna Lab and Valhalla. I found many qualities that I really liked in both cables. The Valhalla with its speed and detail and slam, and the Jenna Lab with mid-range to kill for. Then enters the HMS! It seems to possess all the best qualities of both the Valhalla & Jenna. My search had nothing to do with price since I own all three, all purchased in February and March. It sure is nice to discover the "Best to my Ears" is also the least expensive.

The qualities of the HMS just seem to improve with each day of listening.

Related equipment:

Kora Cosmos Mono Blocks (retubed), Kora Eclipse with Upgrade internal wiring and tubes, and the 24/192 Hermes DAC upgraded wiring and tubes.

Roksan CD Transport CDP-3
Electrocompaniet EC-1 24/192

Kharma Ceramic 1.0 speakers

Nordost Power Cords, Audio Magic Power Cords, and Ensemble Power Cords

I am also using the Ensemble Power Point Power Conditioner. I sold "ALL" the rest of Ensemble IC's, speaker cables, & power cords. Whew!!! Now my ears can rest!!! THE VALHALLA CABLES ARE THE NEXT TO GO!

I am planning to add an Audio Aero CD Player and Virtual Dynamics Power Cords this month. I also am planning to audition the new Tenor Amps we have been hearing so much about.

I can promise you that an investment in the HMS IC's is a wise and prudent choice. It is my answer to the IC search. I have tried many but this is my choice for my system.

I hope this helps, let me hear your responses!

Good Listening,
Stutts could you describe the sonics effect of the Ensemble Isolink upon the Audio Aero Capitol please?