Clear Audio, VPI, Linn, maybe Basis, maybe Walker. Not necessarily in that order. These are the names that will probably? Maybe? Hopefully? survive the next 20 years only because they will make other products to support their turntable line. In the case of Linn this is already true and therefore the least risk of them all for the future. I was told at HE 2004 last May that Walker is going to come out with a CD PLayer. Time will only tell on that one. Forget about anyone other than the factory repairing any of these. Hell, you can barely find a store that has a turntable hooked up for audition or anyone in the store who knows anything about turntables. As for your last purchase based on performance alone, longevity of the company out of the picture, it would be the Walker Proscenium Gold. My absolute all-time favorite turntable with their servo-tracking arm. I have never heard anything, and I have heard every brand I mentioned, that sounds as spectacular as the Walker. I wish I had $30,000.00 to buy it. It's not just my dream table, it's my dream anything.