Goldmund Studio-still one of the best?

I can buy one Goldmund Studio in Germany for 3500 euros, the shop claim that Studio is realy (and still)one of the best of all times.Now, i have Wilson Benesch The Circle with Rega RB300(1500 euros new) ,and renewed Benz Micro MC2.
Is Goldmund so much better like price shows, any other sugestions- better and cheeper than old Studio?
Do you live near Germany where service may be had? Would this shop be responsible for set up, insuring it functions properly? I ask because this is a complex turntable.
parts availability is limited I learned when I researched into possibly purchasing a studio and the setup for peak performance is very critical and difficult to accomplish unless your a expert
The Goldmund electronic arm (T3) is not really that reliable. Servicing is a problem with this table. My advice is stay away from it.