Speaker Cable Too Short What to do?

Greetings, I just bought a pair of expensive mit cables but one of them does not quite reach my amp by a foot. What an idiot I am!!!!
I am playing around with the furniture to try to make things work, but is there anything else I can do? Can I use an mit jumper to extend the short cable? Will that degrade the sound? Does it matter that one speaker cable will be longer than the other?
Ag insider logo xs@2xasamuelson
Nothing wrong with MIT
Something VERY WRONG with knocking another persons choices.Very rude,to say the least.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with MIT. And you can have your choice, too, since there's literally HUNDREDS for sale on the used market! That fact alone should tell you something, David99! Sorry, I don't believe in hanging on MORE electronics in my signal chain. Apparently, neither do most other manufactures. At the C.E.S./The Expo in Vegas, MIT was almost totally absent from system set-ups. Furthermore, advise was asked about correcting a problem. Ljgj and I gave an opinion about the BEST way to solve the problem. We both consider this an unexpected opportunity to correct a basic mistake. This is simply an opinion and not fact. As such, the posting party is free to take or ignore this opinion. If you only want people to AGREE with YOUR choices, this kind of limits a free and open discussion in the forums, doesn't it, David99?
Fatparrot-This guy asked what to do with too short cables, not what you think of his MIT or which cables he should use.
Your attitude is mean spirited.Thats obvious no matter how you try to sugar coat your remarks.
That is what this board is getting to be, constant attacks on gear belonging to others .. unreal...

I had MIT and they did have a spot in my system, I was also in that same predicament a few years back, sold them for a Shorter pair ..that will be the best bet, there are really no other options..at a reasonable cost.

Best of luck Asamuelson
I agree with trying to move the amp. Maybe also there is also a different room configuration waiting to be discovered.

I also had great success with MIT cables in my old house. I needed a 20 foot run on one system, and for my budget then, they were the only ones I tried that did not sonically fall apart from being a long run.