>> please don't use the empty catch phrases of a failed and humiliated administration<< what, pray tell, are you suggesting david99 said? and what is a "failed and humiliated administration"? i can't tell whether you're speaking of george bush, the first, or dubya. your last post directed at david99, who's contributed much more to these discussions than have you, is unnecessarily mean spirited. you would do well to offer an apology. -cfb
>> please don't use the empty catch phrases of a failed and humiliated administration<< what, pray tell, are you suggesting david99 said? and what is a "failed and humiliated administration"? i can't tell whether you're speaking of george bush, the first, or dubya. your last post directed at david99, who's contributed much more to these discussions than have you, is unnecessarily mean spirited. you would do well to offer an apology. -cfb