SACD player as CD transport?

Does anyone have experience using any of the SACD players as a transport for CD playback in combination with an external DAC? How good is it? Because if it's decent in this capacity, seems like you could have the best of both worlds, using it as a transport for 16/44 CDs (but getting the benefits of your DAC, assuming it's better than the SACD) and as a fully-integrated player for SACD software. I know the Sony SCD-1 has coax digital out (CD only), not sure about other models. Thanks.
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I recently purchased a Sony 9000. I use my surround processor (Theta Casa Nova) as a d/a, as it is 24/96 capable and sounds every bit as good (if not better) than the Forsell I replaced. By running the digital output of the 9000 through the Theta, and the analog output directly to my preamp (Mark Levinson 380S), and matching levels, I am able to compare, in real time, the Sony's own analog signal on CD's to the digital signal, decoded by the Theta. The bottom line: no discernable difference! I would only have one hesitancy to use the 9000 as a CD transport, and this may not apply to you--it doesn't read CDR's.
Dschoenberg: A few clarifications, please 1) you compare 9000ES to Forsell, which one? Transport, D/A, both? I love Forsell, equally, I don't like Theta products, still I am very familiar with their sound. 2) What Theta you used? and how you compared "analog signals" sonically? and/or by measurments? I would appreciate very much your detailed respond. (I have 9000ES, and despite its numerous shortcoming I am in love with its sound), Thanks Simon
Answering my own thread, I bought the SCD-777ES, which I am using with a Dodson DAC. The Sony has about 800 hours on it. It sounds full and smooth. It also sounds very dark and lacks detail (those two tend to go together). Add to that the fact that the unit is very annoying to use (it takes forever to read a disk and then to read the TOC), and I'm thinking this may not have been a good choice. I hate to start looking for transports in this time of digital transition, but....

As for SACD, it certainly sounds promising, but I think it could sound a whole lot better than it does with this unit. Incidentally, I have found the tonality of the Sony (smooth, dark) holds forth in SACD, transport, and CDP modes. My conclusion: the 777 has a pervasive sonic signature that comes from the transport end, not from the analog output. That surprises me. Am I doing something wrong?

I'm using the NBS Statement Power cord on my SCD-1. It made a huge improvement on the "dark and detail" issue! I've found the balance to be excellant, and the base is tighter and deeper to boot. J.D.
Hmmm. I've tried both a Black Mamba and a Custom House Model 11, or whatever it's called. Not much difference. I'll see if I can get hold of an NBS cord sometime.