Talk Me off the Ledge - A cry for help

I got an MMF 2.1 about 3 weeks ago along with some used reggae records in good condition. I cleaned the records and they sounded very good. I bought the Pink Floyd reissue of DSOTM and the vocals sound horrible. Everything else on the record sounds awesome but the vocals are ssssooo sssibilant its hurting my ears. Ive adjusted the tracking weight with a Shure gauge, fixed the azimuth with the included paper graph and played with the VTA to try to make the arm parallel to the record, all with NO SUCCESS. The vocals still sound like crap. My 2.1 came with the Music Hall Tracker/Goldring Elan cartridge and Ive played it close to 40hrs. Could it need more breaking in? Any suggestions on improving the sound? Should I abandon the cartridge and get another one? Thanks for all your help guys!
You just need to "snug" the screw. It doesn't have to be real tight. Just so it stays in place, is all it needs.

It might just be the album. I don't know, I don't have that particular record.
I have it, no sibilance at all. If the rest of your LP's sound "right" and you've tried the suggestions given, it could be that particular copy. The new re-release is actually quite good, second only in my mind to the Japanese Pro version or a pristine UK first pressing.
Tom is right about the need to adjust something. I bought three copies of that reissue and have never heard anything but first rate quality music. The LP was done very well.

That isn't to say that you did not get a flawed copy of the LP. It's possible that there was something left on the LP surface or for some reason, it was poorly pressed.
I heard that table, and the cartridge supplied with it was horrible; it was bright and sibilant. But then, you gotta' figure that they aren't going to give you a great cartridge at the price that table sells-for....
Put it away as a spare and get a better quality cartridge.