Virtual Dynamics Recall

I guess everyone knows about the recall on the power 3's. Has anyone already got your cryo treated power 2's yet.
Viggen, I noticed that in the past you have posted regarding integrating the PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and Juice Bar with Virtual Dynamics cords. I've been thinking of upgrading my Monster HTS 2000 and have considered PS Audio products, but am unsure how to attack it.

Currently, I have 4 cryo'd Auditions hooked up to my gear, with the PC on my amp going directly into the wall, with the other Auditions hooked up to the HTS 2000. I also have three Power 2s awaiting duty. I also have a home theater to consider in this equation.
Check out website Kevin is promoting a new,revelatory line conditioner called Exact Power EP-15.Read the specs and comments.Pretty interesting.
Hey Gun,

Rick told me he's got some high quality splitters for ac outlet. Ask him about it.

My ARC's resistor for one of the power tube just blew.... wtf.....
So Rick is talking to Viggen all the time now...I hate it when Rick plays favorites.I wish he would update his website. It's been under construction for a while now.Looks the same as it did 3 months ago.I want to get one of these splitters. Did Rick mention a price?