Virtual Dynamics Recall

I guess everyone knows about the recall on the power 3's. Has anyone already got your cryo treated power 2's yet.
Have you received the splitter Sherod from VD and what have your results been?
Haven't received yet. Brett didn't give me a time-line so I'll give him a call if not in this week. I'll keep you posted when they arrive and their performance.
I'm considering buying two more Power 2 pc's for my system and have been wondering at the same time if the audition package would do me more justice. My system is : Cary 303/100 w/ Power 2 cryo'd -> Coincident cst ic. -> Rogue 99 Magnum w/ Absolute pc (temporary) -> Coincident cst ic. -> Innersound esl amp w/ Power 3 -> AP Oval 9 biwired -> Magnepan 1.6qr. Should I purchuse two more Power 2 cryo'd (minimum investment) or think about purchusing the Auditon package? Thanks for any suggestions and opinions.
Hi Bradz, my upgrade was very similar to what you are considering.

I had a system that included Cardas Lightning L15, Cardas Golden Cross, Harmonic Technology Pro Silway II, Analysis Plus BiOval 9s and Virtual Dynamics Power 2s, then in early march I bought an all cryo'd Audition Package from Rick. When I took the plunge I was very afraid of losing the warmth provided by the Golden Cross.

It's been two months since I got the Cryo'd Auditions and they have been a revelation. Replacing the mish mash of cables I was using with an all VD setup was like a hi-fi high-colonic. The music now flows smoothly and unrestricted. Initially, the Auditions were smooth with a huge soundstage, but a bit icy. After a week the iciness went away and the overall sound started to settle in. Rick had mentioned that going to a revealing cable scheme like his would result in more noticeable differences when tube-rolling and this has been very true for me. I feel the overall presentation is so open now that even using warm tubes doesn't compromise any transparency, air and soundstage size. I'm no longer fighting the battle of retaining warmth, while reducing harshness and gaining air and transparency. So many variables have been removed, so I can now devote time to tube rolling and just plain listening.

Virtual Dynamics offers a 14-day trial period which really isn't enough time to hear all the benefits their cables have to offer, but the results after one month have made me very happy.
I received yesterday my cryo'd Power3 extension and splitter( 3-way power connector) After initial plugging in of T.V. and cable box, picture was slightly blurry and sound from a good cable channel( Encore,Sundance,etc) was ssslightly constricted. After about 3 hours, picture started to clear up and sound opened up. After 12 hours, sound was significantly more palpable with greater dynamic range, but the big surprise was the picture quality. Black background was significantly blacker, I mean "black" !! And colors were much more vivid. Especially reds and blues.There was much better color contrast of separating the lights from darks, the purples, maroons and other off colors stood out better and the overall picture had an almost HDTV look. I can't believe a simple power cord can do so much .I was amazed beyond my wildest expections. Only when I recently upgraded my component video cable and S-Video cable did I get this much improvement. All I can say is: Put an extension on all, and I mean all, your hard-wired components. This is the best value for sound improvement that you can do to your system. The only other thing I did was upgrade my outlets to the new FIM 880 outlet. I had already bought this before I got involved with Virtual dynamics or I would have bought their outlets as well. I still may order one for comparison. I am glad to hear that you are settled in with your Audition cords, Gunbei.Any thoughts of upgrading to Rick's upper models in the near future? I read in another thread where someone bought all nites for their system and they were in heaven, sipping expensive wine while they sat mesmerized with the newfound sound. Have a great weekend, everybody.