DAC at us$1000

Looking for DAC AT us$1000 to work with my Sony DVD player. Thank you for your advice.
Bel Canto Dac 1, plus a replacement power cord (the stock one sucks and is the root of the "lack of dynamics" complaints), I use a Harmonic Tech Pro 11 ($125.00 used) and a good digital cable. The cable is the Mapleshade Double Helix digital IC ($120.00) on the RCA input from a CAL Icon II. One of the most "musically" satisfying combinations that I have heard to date. This includes Theta Miles, Resolution Audio 55 and MSB Link DAC III combos with the optional power supply. I have not listened to the Full Nelson mod on the Link DAC nor have I auditioned the DAC by Muse, but have heard that these units are special.
All of you guys should listen to the Birdland Odeon Lite DAC. You might be suprised to find it will displace all of those mentioned above.
Musicshop I have the Birdland to I love it but I'm looking for a new digital cable give me a hand and have you tried it direct