Anyone auditioned Virtual Dynamics Extension cord

I own the Rotel RC-995 pre-amp which has a non-detachable power cord. Has anyone tried the P3 or Audition models that Rick manufactures. Is there another manufactuer producing extention power cords like this. Are there other solutions?
I e-mailed Rick at Virtual Dynamics and Brett responded that I would get a larger soundstage and blacker background with there extension cord. Now wouldn't that be nice? Now I'm hoping for a follow-up on experience or any alternative for a non-detachable power cord.:)
heh... that looks like a fairy tale to me imo.
you can jump up with background mounting a non-detachable powercord by yourself if you know how but adding an extention cord???
Hi Marakanetz, I read a thread were you did a modification of your own with a power cord back in Nov. How was the outcome? Elizabeth posted that she could pull this off in twenty minutes! Wow, she's a keeper! I also saw were people directed others to websites to have this work done. Im' inquiring as to the cord that Virtual Dynamics has produced. The Audition Extension would be sold for $220.00. If the end results are a larger soundstage and blacker background, then I'll feel very comfortable with this purchase, especially with all the hype on there power cords.
Why not just plug into a high current PS ultimate outlet.

And/or Use a juice bar with the cord of your choice.
I believe A'Gon member Buckingham owns one of Rick's extension cords, hopefuly he'll chime in.