music, colors and psychic abilities

I think that we've all heard that different colors and music can influence our thoughts and emotions. This information has been put to use by every marketing company in existence. BUT, did you know that there is a new "science" that can use color preferences to interpret your personality and "tell you your future" ? Take a gander at this site and take the "test", as it is kind of interesting.

PS... This site was forwarded to me courtesy of Bob Bundus, who is heavily into psychic phenomena, UFO's and vampirism. He has studied such things under the tutorship of Uri Geller. I once saw him levitate speakers and bend Gold MFSL cd's strictly by using the energy of his mind.

PPS... The above paragraph is completely made up except the part about Bob originally forwarding the link to me : )
I threw out a pink toilet quite a few years ago-- refused to use it, and replaced it with standard, boring old white one. I wonder what that means? I'll take the test later-- sounds interesting, gotta' do taxes now. Cheers. Craig.
I'm glad that y'all are enjoying this. I too thought that it was pretty accurate but was also tempted to "play games" just to see how it reacts, not taking this really seriously anywhooo.
My speakers sometimes levitate themselves esp. following a "Leary" sugar cube or two '-) but I haven't been out vamping for years...
& who's this Uri Geller guy?
I took the test and the conclusion was, "You've had enough for a while."

Must have been from choosing the blue blocks early in the test, indicating my need to escape the confines of my home, and see blue sky.

I am still dealing with construction that was promised to be complete at Thanksgiving.

If my contractor meant NEXT Thanksgiving, I may choose red as my first choice next time.