Rega Planet vs Cal Audio Labs Icon MK II

I'm thinking about upgrading my CD player (Cambridge D300) and have a choice between these two used players. Both have been discontinued and are/were fine CD players. The Planet would be in the area of $500 and Icon MK II around $750. I'm an old country boy - I don't know a lot about high end audio, but am picking things up quickly with your help. Once again - Thanks in advance! Ken
I have enjoyed my Cal Ikon II for 4 years now. Dekay is right, 750.00 is a bit much on the used market, and the player is smooth and laid back as far as digital goes. Naimboy, try having somebody hit the cymbal while you stand a good distance from it, a good cymbal should sound very smooth unless there is a big crack in it.
Gentleman, I believe this Icon MK II unit comes with the HDCD (Powerboss)upgrade. Would that upgrade justify the $750 price the seller wants. How can I tell if the unit has the Powerboss upgrade anyway?
I love my planet. I have only heard the cl-15, which is also an excellent sounding cd. The planet needs to be left on, for some reason, it sounds a little flat unless it has been on about 12 hours. THe depth increases greatly after a good month of occasional useage. I would suggest buying one from an Audiogon member with good feedback. Try it, and sell it if you dont like it. You should be able to get even money when you sell, and at the worst, lose $50. I have been using this method of auditioning, and I think it allows you to audition a product without any pressure. Afterall, you've already bought it. Resale on a planet is $450-500 according to my random observation. I bought mine new for $650 in 1999. While I can't comment on this particular CAL player, the Planet, properly set up, is most definately "laid down and died" Sorry Dekay. Ask Listener and Stereophile. Yeah yeah, I know, but when Stereophile really likes an inexpensive product, you really must take notice. I totally agree with JA's ears. TRUST YOUR OWN EARS.
SOrry, Associated equipment, which hasnt been mentioned as of yet!!! CJ PV11L preamp, MCCormack DNA.5 amp, B&W Nautilus 805 speakers, Audioquest Diamond x3 and Lapis x3 interconnects, and Audioquest SA-40 and CV-4 biwire speaker cable. THe Rega is a musical and very Undigital sounding one piece player, not the best in the world, but you cant beat it dollar for dollar.
Sorry Gthirteen and not sorry Naimbrain. I should have been a little more PC in my comments about the Planet. This was just my take on it after auditioning it in two shops when I was looking for a player for my stepson. And it does depend on the associated equipment (I knew that and was just not thinking of the whole picture at the time - excuse me)! Klhender - there was an Icon -w- the Power Boost and HDCD upgrade listed at this site by Ambrosia Audio for $400.00 which is a steal, if it's still there. But by all means you should audition both these and other players as well if at all possible before you laying your money down. Others to look into in your price range might be the Audio Refinement Complete (which I owned for a short while and would recommend). I would also check out the new revised Cambridge models as they have had time to fine tune them, hopefully for the better. Search the site under CD and you will find a lot of user info on reasonably priced but high quality CD players. In regard to the descriptive terms that I used (and use), I was an amateur and later a professional musician for twenty years and "those" are some of the terms that are used to describe the tonality of instruments (music) including voice. I don't know what Planet (get it) you grew up on Naimboy but most popular music is amplified in some manner and the same terms apply among musicians with the exception of "visual" terms such as imaging and sound stage (the recording and sound tech's are the ones that worry about that part of it). In addition, I was talking about a CD player not your mother and it would do you well to lose the snot nosed little attitude that you bring to your post. You might also restrict your comments to things that you know something about, unless your sole purpose here is to amuse myself and others. Well, so much for my New Year's resolution.