Rega Planet vs Cal Audio Labs Icon MK II

I'm thinking about upgrading my CD player (Cambridge D300) and have a choice between these two used players. Both have been discontinued and are/were fine CD players. The Planet would be in the area of $500 and Icon MK II around $750. I'm an old country boy - I don't know a lot about high end audio, but am picking things up quickly with your help. Once again - Thanks in advance! Ken
Yeah, I have a DX-2 and have enjoyed it. I payed 550.00 for it 2 years ago. I figured I have gotten my $ worth at this point. I auditioned the Icon MKII at the same time and on the same speakers I have at home. The Icon was just a tad maybe only a tidge smoother. At the time the MKII with HDCD was almost twice as much. I couldn't reason the extra dough so I went with the DX-2
Dekay, I was interested in your comments. I am considering a Bel Canto Dac to use in conjuction with my DX-2. What do you think? I have also wondered about the use of the vibrapods, as I have not tried them. I don't have room on my rack to install the shelf with vibra's you describe. Couldn't I just take the feet off the DX-2 and replace with the vibrapod feet? I hope no one minds my interlude in this thread.
Agree that $700 is high for the CAL, but if you have a $700 budget I suggest that you expand the field and listen to more equipment. You may be able to find something considerably better than either of these players at this price point.
Hi Axomoxa: I have been away with computer problems and just came back on line. If the Dx-2 has a coaxial/digital out I don't see why it would not make a nice transport. Yes, replacing the existing feet with Pods is an option, or if the Pods have a higher profile than the existing feet you may try placing them just to the inside of the stock feet. I have been doing more experimenting with a combination of Pods, Cones, and various platforms and it is getting a little mind boggling, to say the least. I still feel that the initial installation of the Vibrapods added major improvement to the sound of the player and that if you can only do one thing then damping the component from external vibration (with Pods) is a good place place to start. The second thing to do at a later time would be to "draw off" vibration from the component with the aid of cones, when more vertical space becomes available. Anyway, just try the Pods and if you do not here the improvement, send them back. Good luck with it. David.